Buying an Acreage Home is Like Falling in Love

Preparing to Purchase an Acreage Home with Ease

My Secrets for Buying an Acreage Home

Buying a home can be confusing and even intimidating at times. Thats why the tips and strategies youll find in my 8-week series will set you on the right path. Its my unique approach and a “behind the scenes” glimpse of what you should look out for and consider when starting your own search for an acreage home.

You can feel the attraction immediately and imagine a picture-perfect life together for many years ahead. You’ve fallen hard, very hard… But wait! We’re not talking about your latest date but rather an acreage home you saw while house hunting.

Yes, buying an acreage home is like falling in love. You can expect to go through the ups and downs, emotional tugs and pulls, and even similar stages:

Being smitten, getting your heart broken, eventually learning from your mistakes, and becoming wiser and more serious on your quest for “love”. All is fair in love and war… and house hunting! Let me show you how to make the most of your journey in finding an acreage home you truly love and will enjoy for years to come.

The One that Got Away

Everyone remembers the devastation of their first heart break. You feel a sense of loss, guilt, and extreme emotions on what you may or may not have done wrong.

Guess what? Buyers have that too.

Sometimes you have to lose out on a property you absolutely love before you can get serious (and braver) about home buying. Here’s what you can learn from going through this disappointment:

Don’t hesitate about your true feelings and be wishy-washy about your intentions.

What this means as a buyer: Once you’ve become a serious buyer,you must be ready to put a competitive offer in right away and be the utmost prepared with your maximum budget, financing, deal breakers. You’ve got to get this point BEFORE you begin house hunting. This experience forces you to gain some additional self-awareness on what is really important to you in an acreage home, why you want to live in one, and that being open to negotiation and strategic tactics to seal the deal!

Learn to move on and keep searching.

What this means as a buyer: Use those feelings of regret as a lesson learned, and turn it into a positive contribution to your acreage home buying journey. You now are a wiser, more seasoned buyer who better understands how the housing market really works in that particular neighborhood and price range. Dust yourself off and keep looking at homes since new inventory and listings will come on the market.

Don’t look back and don’t compare.

What this means as a buyer: What happens if you can’t get that master suite bathroom out of your mind from that last home. Or that awesome deck out back. You could go on and on comparing your first heart break with other homes. Stop! Go back and focus on your original list of must-haves, deal breakers, needs and wants. Or, tweak it if anything has changed and get back out there!

Don’t worry, you will fall in love again.

What this means as a buyer: Yes, you will find the right acreage home and be happy! Most buyers get over their heart break and find a home that works for them and their family. Sometime the struggle will be worth it and you’ll end up with an acreage home that is the perfect match for you, and you’ll be glad that the one you were upset about not getting did not end up yours.

Never settle for what doesn’t feel right. 

What this means as a buyer: Some buyers end up with a home that isn’t good enough for them. Yes, home buying does require some compromise, but this refers to ignoring blatant issues with a home that could cause regret later. For example, they didn’t carefully consider some red flags about the home’s structure, workmanship, etc. This can happen when buyers want a home so badly in a certain neighborhood. It’s times like this that you need to search for some clarity on your part to avoid falling too hard for the wrong home.

Fall in Love with the Right Home

You can fall in love with an acreage home that works for you and your family, for most of your needs, your budget, and your lifestyle. Buying a home is full of emotion, and keeping your heart and head in sync can save you a lot of heartache down the road.

Get your priorities straight. We can’t stress this enough but make a list of your must-haves and your deal breakers and stick to it!  Don’t be lured by a “popular” looking home when all it might lead to heartbreak down the road for short-term feeling of relief.

Know what’s best for you. Only you know what will work for you and your family. It’s your life so don’t listen or be swayed by what your friends have to say. Keep your emotions in check as much as possible and make rational and smart decisions based on what is best for you and your family.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this series, “My Secrets to Buying an Acreage Home.”  Stay tuned in each week as we discuss more topics that will help you on your acreage home buying journey. Next week, you’ll read about What Types of Acreage Homes Are There and What’s Right for You?

Hi, there!

I'm Yue Lehman.  I've made plenty of mistakes with my acreage home and would love to help you avoid them throughout your purchase and sale process of an acreage home so you can enjoy the country lifestyle with ease. 

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Hi, there!

I'm Yue Lehman. I've made plenty of mistakes with my acreage home and would love to help you avoid them throughout your purchase and sale process of an acreage home so you can enjoy the country lifestyle with ease. 

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